Saturday, May 14, 2016

Desk Research: Storage

I narrowed down my problem area to Multi-Brand Stores since they have a lot of variety to deal with and a lot of space to manage. After the field research, the points I narrowed down to, regarding storage, are:

Retail storage of footwear is usually taken care by metal racks that are modular and line up in the storage area but take up a lot of space of the store and cannot be customised during times of peak or off seasons.


To resolve these issues 'Mobile Shelfing' came into existence which could reduce upto half the storage footprint and consolidate warehouse or stock room merchandise. 

This is how they work:

This system, which is somehow effective, still doesn't answer the previous question raised earlier of eradicating storage completely and combining it with display. Also, I did not find this system anywhere in my field research. What might the reason be?

Although the system saves a lot of space, is secure and useful for customization , it still does not fit the requirements of my problem statement. 


What next: Desk research on retail security. 



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